Recipe: Magic Tea

Recipe: Magic Tea

My number one go-to remedy when I start to feel sick is my homemade Magic Tea. Everyone in our house loves it, including the kids! -- I'll list alternative options for the kiddos.

A quick history

Closely related to the Hot Toddy, my Magic Tea cold remedy is a popular drink in my household. The original Hot Toddy is said to have been invented in Scotland sometime in the 18th century. And being from Scotland, that means whiskey is a key ingredient. 


My every day version

Although I would like to add a splash of whiskey in my brew every time, I have an alcohol-free version and a kid-friendlier version.

for the adults

  • ~1 tablespoon Raw Honey
  • ~1 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • ~1 teaspoon Turmeric
  • about 2 dashes of Cayenne Pepper
  • two cap-fulls of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • a wedge of lemon
  • hot water
  • (optional) whiskey
  • (optional) Wyman's Wild Blueberry Juice (great for antioxidants!)
  1. Combine all dry ingredients (cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne) into a mug, and mix together with honey. This prevents all of them from just floating to the top so they mix into the whole drink well.
  2. Add wet ingredients (Apple Cider Vinegar, lemon, *whiskey, *wild blueberry juice) *optional ingredients
  3. Add the hot water, and enjoy!

for the kiddos (1-year +)

  • ~1 teaspoon Raw Honey
  • a few dashes of Cinnamon
  • a few dashes of Turmeric
  • about 2 dashes of Paprika
  • one cap-full of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • a wedge of lemon
  • warm water
  • (optional) Wyman's Wild Blueberry Juice (great for antioxidants!)
  1. Combine all dry ingredients (cinnamon, turmeric, paprika) into a sippy cup or kids cup, and mix together with honey. This prevents all of them from just floating to the top so they mix into the whole drink well.
  2. Add wet ingredients (Apple Cider Vinegar, lemon, *wild blueberry juice) *optional ingredients
  3. Add the warm water and make sure the honey has dissolved, and serve!


I'd love your feedback!

That's it! If you try this recipe, I would love to hear what you think of it! It might take a couple tries and playing with the amount of each ingredient to fit your liking, but it does helps kick those nasty germs in the butt and get you feeling back to your good ol' self in no time. 




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